You can play Nations and Empires as a role playing adventure game.
Or you can play the part of a political leader and try to rule a nation. Most players who achieve political power in the game began by applying for appointment as governor of a province of a large country such as the Zekresh Empire. If you do this, and get appointed, you have the option of declaring independence and having your province become your own nation. Of course, your new country may be attacked for that, but that just makes the game more exciting.
To begin the game without reading more, just send an e-mail to nationsandempires@yahoo.com with the word "quickstart" in the subject line or in the text of the message. If you have some idea of what sort of character you want, you can mention that in the e-mail, but you don't have to. You will receive an e-mail in response assigning you a character. It is not necessary to read the information on the game websites to begin playing.
The game is run by people, not computers, so it is simple to play. When you want to take an action in the game, just post a message in the appropriate forum saying what you attempt to do. The forums are at:
The appropriate place to post actions is usually in the regional forum for the region of the game world that you are in at the time. There are further instructions on forum postings in the general discussion area of the forums. Or, you can send an e-mail to the game administrators at nationsandempires@yahoo.com telling them what your character attempts to do. You will be informed of the results of your actions and of other events by forum postings, e-mail or by the news postings. If you have any questions, you can also post them in the general discussion area of the forum.
There is an opportunity for interacting directly with other players and role playing by posting messages to the forums. There are no commands or menus to learn nor any special game interface. The game does include sophisticated computer software to simulate battles, economics and other matters, but you never have to figure out how it works. The game administrators do all that for you. All you have to do is post messages on the forum.
Choosing a Character
You can, as mentioned above, just send an e-mail to nationsandempires@yahoo.com saying "quickstart" and you will be assigned a character. This is recommended as a way to explore the game if you are new at it. Once you have a better understanding of what's going on and who is who, you can swap this character for a new one with characteristics you choose.
You can create a new character whenever you want. When designing your own character, the first thing you should do is refer to the nationalities page here:
Players can choose any nationality on the list for their character. It is also possible to be of mixed nationality. However, some combinations simply don't exist. For example, there are no half Kopixer, half Ralbanians because they live two oceans apart and neither group travels much. Don't worry too much about that. Just send us your proposal for a character and if there is anything wrong with it, we will let you know and suggest a change to fix it.
Some nationalities are found mostly in their own regions while others travel widely and settle in distant lands. The ones that travel the most are these, listed in order of most widespread to less widespread:
Zekresh, Frayeth, Verronese, Slythian, Ilanian, Ravelonian, Kikali, Vummese, Corinwelder, Groglinther, Varl, Nyarl, Vipathan, Warnan, Baaniferian, Foerfen, Silway, Ulawan, Zamarula
Nationalities not on this list are usually only found on or near their home provinces or territories.
The exceptions to this are the nationalities which have been assimilated into other nationalities such as the Shell people, Marsh people, Bay people, Sarindans, Gavrinians, Tuladorians, etc. Members of these groups tend to travel as widely as the groups they have become part of.
Of course, you can have a character of any nationality and travel as much as you want. You just might have to start the game in your home province.
Once you have chosen a nationality, you should decide if your character is male or female. If you know what sort of name a person of that nationality and gender might have, pick a name. If not, the gamemasters will choose a name for you or give you several possible names to choose from.
After you have a nationality and gender, choose an occupation. Note the main occupations of your nationality on the nationalities list such as "farmers and herdsmen" or "fishermen and hunters". You are not limited to the occupations mentioned in your nationality description, but these are the most common among your character's people. If your nation's occupations are mostly, "herdsmen and farmers" you should consider making your character a herdsman or a farmer. That doesn't mean you have to sit around herding sheep or farming. That's just the situation you start with. You can decide to become an adventurer, soldier, mercenary or politician and then undertake to pursue your character's dreams.
Click here for notes on female characters.
Send an e-mail to nationsandempires@yahoo.com answering this questionnaire:
(If you wish, you can only answer part of the questionnaire and let us decide the rest of the details.)
(1) What is your proposed character's nationality? (Choose only from the fictional nationalities on the nationalities list at
(2) Is your proposed character male or female?
(3) What name would you like your character to have? (You can leave this blank and we'll send you several options to choose from. If you pick a name that does not sound like a name that a person would have who is of the nationality and gender you selected, the gamemasters will disallow it and send you several options to choose from.)
(4) How old is your proposed character when the game starts?
(5) What is your proposed character's occupation?
(6) Are there any other characteristics, skills or possessions you would like your character to start with? What are they?
(This would be the place to request being a skilled warrior, owning weapons, having lots of money, owning a horse a house or a ship, having a large family or being single, being an Imperial Army officer, being a sailor or a pirate, owning a farm, family connections to powerful people, etc.)
(7) Is there any particular place in the game world that you would like to start at? If so, where?
(8) Is there anything else you would like to have in your proposed character's personal history? If so, what?
(Here would be the place to mention prior military service in the Zekresh Imperial Army or Navy, prior work experience, especially things that might qualify you for appointment to high political office.)
E-mail your response to these question to us at
This is the primary e-mail address to contact the game administrators for any reason.
You will receive an answer approving your character or proposing modifications. You may discuss this with the game administrators (game masters) via e-mail until you work out a character you want that the game masters consider a reasonable addition to the world of the game. Once your character is approved, you will receive an e-mail from the game masters saying so and perhaps providing you with additional information about your character and your starting situation. The approval from the game masters should include your starting date (according to the Zekresh calendar or some other calender in the game) and starting location including region. It may mention a specific thread on the regional forum you should start off posting to. After you receive approval for your proposed character, go to the forums at
and register. Your user name should be the same as the name of your character. It will automatically be put into lower case letters. You can capitalize the first letter by clicking on "profile" then "modify profile" then changing the "display name". If you registered with a different user name than your character name, you can use this to change your display name to your character name and your user name won't matter.
The registration process requires you to provide an e-mail address. An activation code will be sent to you by e-mail to confirm that the e-mail address you provided really is yours. When you login the first time, you will need to provide the activation code.
Once you have logged in, read the rules and announcements and go to the appropriate region and thread. If it is not clear to you which region you should start in, refer to the e-mail you received from the game masters approving your character. It should say where you begin and the game date you begin.
If you need further clarification, go to the maps section at:
to review the maps and find your starting location or any other location in the "known world" of the game.
Post an initial message. At the top of the message should be the date (according to the game calendar) and your initial location.
Then skip a line and post something indicating what your character is doing as you begin. If you are only doing normal, routine things, then you can continue posting. When you get to the point where you need a reaction from another character wait for a response from the other character. It may take a while, sometimes a day or more. If you are doing something that it is not certain you will succeed at, post something saying what you attempt to do and then wait for a gamemaster or assistant gamemaster to post a reply indicating whether you succeeded. This may also take a day or more.
Read what other players are doing to get a feel for how the game is played. Use your postings to accomplish what you want to accomplish in the game.
For the latest news of major in-game events, see here:
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